Tuesday 6 November 2012

Child Labour

What is child labour?

This blog is about the cruel truth of child labour and our opinions.
Child labour is happening all around the world at this very moment and no one is doing anything about it, it is a very sad fact but it's true. Many children are dying everyday from child labour and that is terrible, many people don't think of this everyday, e.g. where our clothes come from or how they are made and that is the funny thing...
But it is the work of small children in Bangladesh, India and China.

Child labour is kids working hard all day and getting almost nothing from it, most kids in the world e.g. in Denmark will work and get money to spend on the things that they want but in India for example the kids work harder than most kids, work in the worst conditions possible all day everyday just to get enough money to pay for some food for them selves andd their families.

This an every day enviroment in Bangladesh, this is what they have to deal with everyday of their lives. The jobs are different across the countries, many make clothes while others make toys, the jobs are long and difficult. The reason they have to work is because the companies don't want to hire adults because they are more expensive and harder to control. Many kids are mistreated while working because they may not be working as fast as the employers want them to. The enviroment's that the kids work in are dirty, unhealthy and usually really hot. Which then leads to dehydration, but the kids can't just get a glass a water like most people would be able to, they to work until they drop, if they leave the area they are working at they may get punished which is usually a brutal beating or they get no pay.

Most of the kids that work usually can't work in the future because their bodies are so worn out that they can't work anymore, many kids who work with the cigarette companies get lung cancer, the kids who need to work with hot metal, they are not provided with gloves, they all walk in sandals, they live a hot, dirty life.
We have a fantastic life compared to them, we have everything we need, we have computers, tv's, iphone's, ipad's, cars, food, clothes and a fairly easy life but many of us still complain, which is terrible, these kids would do anything to have the life that we have but yet it still isn't good enough for us. That's why we think that we should take a minute of our lives and just think about what we have in life compared to them, there are kids who are five years old and are working harder than most of us. Most of them can't go to school and get a eduacation because they are busy working hard, supporting their families using their childhood on trying to survive. They can't have the childhood of playing with friends, they can't be a child, they are forced to be an adult. 

It's heartbreaking to see these kids trying to put together some sort of life and that they really don't have a future they are going to work so much, that in the end, it will kill them, thay have their lives planned out from birth, while we can do whatever we want to do.

Your best regards,



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